Here are all the actions that our teams realize daily to minimise the touristic environmental impact!

Preservation of resources

Water savings.

Taps and showers are equipped with foamers and push-buttons.

Our flushes all have double flow systems.

For the same customer, we will not change the bath and bed sheets daily.

We have banished bleach, which is irritating for the respiratory system and toxic for the aquatic organisms.

Energy savings

100% of our lightbulbs are low-energy LED.

Furniture, maintenance & computer hardware

Most of our maintenance products and supplies are eco-labeled and cleverly used.

Our computer hardware is mainly reconditioned. 

We try to unsure our furniture and material are second-hand. 

We work with local craftspeople. 

Food & drinks

Food and drinks are from the local distribution channel.

We select our service and supply providers based on their social and sustainable commitment. 

Waste reduction

Recycling bins can be found everywhere in the gites. 

We do not offer individualized welcoming products to reduce waste. 

Water jugs are at your disposal to reduce the use of plastic bottles.

We try and offer a maximum of loose products in our buffets to reduce packings.

Biowaste is composted by the city of Clermont-Ferrand.

We try to use as few disposable dishes as possible and we do not use plastic made or non recyclable containers. 

Soft transportation

We travel for professional matters only by train.

On site, enjoy our central location and use public transportation ! Plans and hours are at your disposal.